How Do You Organize Your Closet?

During a Q & A after a Lunch and Learn a woman asked me the best way to organize her closet. Should it be by our roles? Or category? Or by colour?The answer is a simple one. Your closet should be organized the way that makes sense to you. As long as everything is easy to see and reach, that is all that matters.I like to categorize clients' closets into type and category. For example the tops would go left to right from sleeveless to long sleeve and then bottoms from short to long. Within those categories the colours should be grouped from light to dark. That way you can quickly see what you have enough of and what you are missing. I also put dividers in between clothing to make it easy to keep them in place. The only pieces in drawers are pieces that you don't need to see when you are planning an outfit ie pajamas, workout gear, camisoles...
If you do not have enough space to hang everything, you can fold it and place it on it's side so you can see everything when you open up the drawer. All jewelry should be easily accessible as well. I recommend a jewelry tree or even something you can hang on the back of the door like the little black dress from Umbra.Your Style Queen,S.C.


Do you have an X in your Closet?


Wardrobe Staples