Want a Minimalist Wardrobe? Let's Start With Minimal-ish

I watched the Documentary Minimalist last night on Netflix. As a person who cleanses closets for a living I obviously love the idea of only holding on to things that bring you joy. However for most of us living out of two bags or in a 420 sq foot house is not even close to realistic.So, what can we do if we want to be minimal-ish?Throw some crap out. Actually, throw a lot of crap out. Schedule a time to cleanse your kitchen pantry. Then schedule a time to do your bathroom drawers and makeup. Then stock up on wine and schedule a time to do your closet. You will need (at least) 2 uninterrupted hours. Try everything on and compare every piece with how you feel in your favourite outfit. Only keep the pieces that you actually love (or if that is to much to ask, keep the ones you actually "like"). Make sure to have higher standards for your clothes than "this fits" or "but this was expensive - even though I have never worn it and I kind of hate it now". If you are having a hard time giving away the other pieces put them in a tupperware or garment bag and store them under your bed with an expiry date on them. Once they have expired, and you realize you haven't even missed them, it will be easier to part with them. You can actually do this with anything in your house that you don't want to part with. Hide it for a month and see if you miss it.If you are ready to really cull your wardrobe try packing for a two week staycation. In other words, if you were to pack to go stay in a hotel in your own city what would you bring with you? This will tell you what your favourite pieces are and what you are actually wearing. From there you can decide how many other outfits you really need to have. Followed by how many other outfits you want to have.Badaboombadabing, a wardrobe that is as minimal as you want it to be.Let me know how it goes!Email me at suzanne@www.yourshopgirl.com or tag me at @your_shop_girl on Insta or /yourshopgirl on FB 


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